Park, Playground, & Outdoor Space Blog | MRC Recreation

From Charging Spaces to Community Places: A Guide to Holistic EV Site Design

Written by Liz Sankey | August 23, 2024

As electric vehicles (EVs) become increasingly popular, the need for charging infrastructure is growing rapidly. But why settle for a simple charging station when you can create a vibrant community space? With the average EV rapid charging session lasting around 30 minutes, there's a unique opportunity to transform these areas into engaging, multifunctional environments that benefit both EV owners and the wider community.

At MRC Recreation, we're excited about the potential of holistic EV site design. By utilizing our playground and park design expertise, we can help create spaces that are functional, enjoyable, and community-oriented. Take a look at some ideas on how to turn charging spaces into community places.

The Rise of EV Infrastructure

The shift towards electric vehicles is gaining momentum, supported by significant government initiatives. In November 2021, President Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), allocating substantial funding for EV charging stations. This includes:

With this surge in funding and support, now is the perfect time to think beyond basic charging stations and envision holistic community spaces.

Reimagining EV Charging Sites

When designing an EV charging site, consider the following elements to create a truly holistic space:

Playgrounds and Recreational Areas

Why not turn waiting time into playtime? Installing commercial playground equipment near charging stations can keep children entertained while parents charge their vehicles. This makes the charging experience more enjoyable for families and attracts non-EV owners to the site, fostering community interaction.

Green Spaces and Landscaping

Incorporate nature into your EV charging site with thoughtful landscaping. Create small parks or gardens with native plants, walking paths, and seating areas. This approach enhances the space's aesthetic appeal, provides environmental benefits, and promotes relaxation.

Smart Restrooms

Consider installing self-cleaning restrooms to provide a convenient and hygienic amenity for visitors. These low-maintenance facilities can significantly enhance the user experience, especially for travelers on long journeys.

Community Gathering Spaces

Design areas that encourage social interaction. This could include picnic tables, outdoor seating, or small pavilions for community events. These spaces can transform a simple charging station into a local hub for socializing and community building.

Educational Elements

Use the space to educate visitors about sustainable practices. Install informational displays about EVs, renewable energy, or local ecology. Interactive exhibits can make learning fun for all ages and add an educational dimension to the site.

Benefits of Holistic EV Site Design

Adopting a comprehensive approach to EV charging site design offers numerous advantages:

  • Enhanced User Experience: Providing various amenities and activities makes charging more enjoyable and convenient for EV owners.
  • Community Engagement: Well-designed spaces attract EV and non-EV owners, fostering community interaction and potentially increasing support for EV adoption.
  • Economic Opportunities: Multifunctional sites can attract local businesses, such as cafes or small shops, creating economic benefits for the community.
  • Environmental Impact: Thoughtful landscaping and educational elements can promote environmental awareness and sustainable practices.
  • Increased Safety: Well-lit, actively used spaces are generally safer and more welcoming, encouraging more people to use EV charging facilities, especially during evening hours.

Implementing Your Vision

When planning your holistic EV charging site, consider the following steps:

  • Assess Local Needs: Engage with the community to understand their preferences and requirements.
  • Collaborate with Experts: Partner with designers, landscape architects, and EV charging specialists to create a comprehensive plan.
  • Leverage Funding Opportunities: Explore government grants and funding programs to support your project.
  • Plan for the Future: Design flexible spaces that adapt to evolving technologies and community needs.
  • Prioritize Accessibility: Ensure the site is accessible to all, including those with disabilities.

Read More: How to Prepare for Your Playground Consultation

The Future of EV Charging Spaces is Now

As we transition towards a more sustainable future, EV charging sites present a unique opportunity to create meaningful community spaces. We have the chance to transform these necessary infrastructures into vibrant hubs that serve multiple purposes, from providing essential charging services to fostering community engagement and promoting sustainability.

We're committed to helping you realize this vision. If you have any questions about EV charging sites or want to discuss playground equipment, smart restrooms, or site amenities, don't hesitate to reach out.