Park, Playground, & Outdoor Space Blog | MRC Recreation

Benefits of Seasonal Park and Playground Equipment Features

Written by Liz Sankey | March 15, 2024

Spring is approaching which means outdoor activities will soon change. Parks and playgrounds are no exception to this transformation. By integrating various playground and park equipment tailored to each season (not just spring!), communities can provide engaging, healthy, and accessible outdoor environments year-round. In this blog post, we will explore the seasonal park features that keep the great outdoors inviting for all ages throughout the year.

Spring: Awakening with Outdoor Fitness

Spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation, making it the perfect season to kick-start a fitness regimen in the great outdoors. Outdoor fitness equipment provides an accessible and versatile option for communities to get active after the winter months. From ellipticals to strength training stations, outdoor gym equipment allows individuals of all fitness levels to tailor their workouts to their personal goals. The benefits of exercising outdoors are vast, from the fresh air boosting your mood to the natural light improving your sleep patterns. Outdoor gyms can also offer a space for community members to connect, share fitness tips, and encourage each other.

Other equipment and amenities that capture the spring spirit can include the Toro Court and obstacle courses, as they both offer challenging and fun ways for multiple generations to enjoy the beautiful weather. 

Read More: Matching Your Outdoor Fitness Park to Community Needs 

Summer: Cooling Off with Splash Pads

As temperatures rise, splash pads offer a refreshing escape from the heat. These water play areas are not just a hit with the kids — they're a communal space where families can gather and enjoy the outdoors together. MRC’s spray parks are designed with safety and sustainability in mind, using recirculating systems to conserve water. 

Splash pads are an excellent way to encourage children to stay active and cool during the summer while providing a fun, social setting. Additionally, splash pads are designed for inclusivity and have slip-resistant surfaces and no standing water, making them a safe, inviting place for everyone.

It's also important to have shaded areas in your spray park or playground for the warmer summer months so park goers can take breaks from dangerous UV rays as needed!

Read More: Surprising Ways That Splash Pad Equipment Can Reduce Water Waste

Autumn: Exploring Custom-Themed Playgrounds

Autumn provides a picturesque backdrop for outdoor play. Custom-themed playgrounds capture children's imaginations, transporting them to different worlds while they climb, slide, and swing. These playgrounds, carefully designed with themes from nature to castles, encourage creative play, which is crucial for cognitive development. 

With the right equipment, like sensory panels, Expression Swings, and more, they also provide an inclusive environment where children of all abilities can play together, fostering community and belonging. If you can, you can also designate a spot in your custom-themed space to collect fallen leaves or set up a pumpkin patch or corn maze. 

Winter: Braving the Cold with Shelters and Durable Equipment

Winter might seem like a time to retreat indoors, but outdoor spaces can still be a wonderland with the right amenities. Prefabricated shelters offer a cozy retreat from the cold, allowing families to enjoy picnics or simply a moment of rest. 

Paired with durable playground equipment designed to withstand the cold and potential snow, these shelters ensure that outdoor fun doesn't end with the summer. They also serve as gathering spots for community events, encouraging social interaction throughout the colder months.

For playgrounds and parks in truly chilly areas, appointed sledding hills and ice skating rinks (whether temporary or permanent) may be an added bonus to the much-needed shelters.

Read More: Engaging Park Activities for Visitors in Chilly Months 

Year-Round Seasonal Equipment and Amenities

To truly enjoy the outdoors year-round, parks and playgrounds must have the right amenities. MRC offers a range of site amenities, including benches, bike racks, litter receptacles, picnic tables, and shelters, to make outdoor spaces more comfortable and relaxing no matter the season. For instance, commercial shelters, pergolas, and picnic pavilions provide a respite from the sun in summer and shelter from breezes in the cooler months, ensuring that parks are welcoming places throughout the year. 

No matter what you choose to incorporate in your outdoor area, the benefits are clear: enhanced appeal of parks, a hub of activity all year round, and opportunities for children and adults to become healthier and happier.

Embrace the Outdoors with MRC 

Seasonal park features and amenities are crucial in fostering healthy, active, and connected communities. Through various outdoor equipment and amenities tailored to different times of the year, parks can accommodate a wide range of activities and preferences, encouraging people to get outside and enjoy the benefits of nature, regardless of the season.

At MRC, we're committed to designing and supplying innovative solutions that make our outdoor spaces more engaging, inclusive, and enjoyable for everyone. If you'd like to discuss any specific equipment, please contact our team!