If you want an exciting way to keep kids active during the hot summer months, consider installing a splash pad or spray park in your community. Not only is it a fun and safe way for kids to enjoy water play, but it can also be an excellent way to conserve water. 

In this blog, we'll share some surprising ways splash pad equipment can reduce water waste and help your community become more sustainable and inviting to kids, parents, and caregivers. 

Reduce Water Waste with Splash Pad Equipment

You probably remember running through sprinklers at some point in your childhood. While it was a great way to cool off and exercise outside, most of that water ended up on the grass or pavement, resulting in unnecessary water loss. That issue is no more thanks to commercial splash pad equipment and its benefits. 

One of the most significant advantages of splash pad equipment is that it helps reduce water waste. In fact, this kind of equipment is designed to minimize water consumption while maximizing fun. How? Here are some examples of different components of splash pad equipment that can cut down on water usage: 

  • Water Sensors - Sensors are an essential component of splash pad equipment. They detect the presence of people and adjust the water flow accordingly, so water is only used where kids are actively playing. 
  • Water Filtration and Recycling Systems - Splash pads have the option to use special filtration and recycling systems to recirculate water. If chosen to use a recycling system, very little water goes to waste. 
  • Low-Flow Nozzles - Many splash pads use low-flow nozzles that consume less water than traditional sprinklers, so children can play more while using less water.
  • Timing Systems - Some splash pads include timing systems that limit water usage to certain times of the day. This means that water is only used when people are in the park, reducing water consumption.
  • Aquatic Safety Surfacing - This type of surfacing is designed to be porous, which allows water to flow through and be collected for reuse. At MRC Recreation, we offer various aquatic safety surfacing options that are durable, slip-resistant, and can be customized to fit any design.

Reduce Water Consumption with Shared Play at Spray Parks

Another way splash pads and spray parks can promote sustainability is by encouraging shared play. Children playing together in a shared water environment are less likely to waste water. They also learn to take turns and use water responsibly, which can reinforce long-term water conservation habits. Additionally, spray parks are often designed with features to allow kids to interact together, promoting socialization and teamwork and encouraging children to share available water resources. 

And unlike traditional water parks full of individual rides and attractions, spray parks don't require that much water to function. Their design also entices children to move from one feature to the next, further reducing water waste and promoting more interactive play. Multiple children can enjoy the park simultaneously at a spray park or splash pad without worrying about how much water is being utilized! 

Work With a Leading Equipment Provider for Your Splash Pad

With the right equipment, splash pads and spray parks can be a great way to promote active play and healthy lifestyles while promoting water conservation and sustainability in your community. If you're considering building one in your community, you'll want the best equipment and design possible.

At MRC, we'll work with you and our partners to find the best equipment and designs for your splash pad installation. From interactive water play structures to water buckets, we can find something for your spray park to let kids burn off their energy while staying safe and active. Reach out today to learn more! 


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