Community recreation plans often include parks, walking trails and other amenities that give people a reason to spend time outside. Outdoor fitness gyms for adults are quickly becoming one of the most popular features to add to recreation systems, and they immediately begin providing benefits from the moment they are installed.

Here are a few ways outdoor fitness parks enhance the quality of life for everyone in your community.

Benefits of Having an Outdoor Fitness Park

Outdoor fitness parks make exercise free and accessible to everyone. You get all the benefits of an indoor gym (cardio, strength training, increased blood flow, flexibility, etc.), plus an extra dose of vitamin D.

outdoor fitness equipment

Here are a few other reasons outdoor gyms are beneficial:

  • Gym equipment is accessible for everyone: In a perfect world, everyone would be able to afford to go to a gym, and outdoor fitness parks make this possible. When your community sets up a fitness area, everyone has an equal opportunity to get in shape. And during a time when people may still be leery of going to an indoor gym, an outdoor gym is a perfect alternative.
  • Reduce the effects of stress: Many communities are facing increased stress among the residents. Crime rates tend to go up when people are dealing with stress. Exercise is a proven way to help people improve their mental health. Outdoor fitness equipment doesn’t just help people get stronger bodies — working out also stimulates hormones in the brain that promote better moods.
  • Attract people to your community: A fitness park in your community makes it clear that your town or city prioritizes health, and newcomers often look for these amenities when selecting a place to settle down. Fitness parks can also be placed near other features of your community, such as shopping strips and convention centers, to further attract people to linger long enough to shop and enjoy your city. As your community gains a reputation for providing family-friendly amenities, you can enjoy watching the population grow.
  • Increase the benefits of exercise: Regular exercise has many benefits for the mind and body such as increased blood circulation and reduced rates of depression. However, spending time outdoors surrounded by nature also provides health benefits that are accentuated when you combine it with exercise.
  • Encourage Multi-Generational Play: In the past, parents and caretakers tended to relegate themselves to sitting on a bench or walking around the playground as their kids played. Fitness parks include elements that are designed for people of all ages so that everyone can get in on the fun. The placement of outdoor exercise equipment, such as a boot camp training course alongside children’s play areas, allows adults to squeeze in a refreshing workout while promoting better health for the whole family. Better yet, many types of fitness equipment are designed for multiple ages, so they can even plan a family-friendly workout that provokes everyone to get moving.

Outdoor Fitness Equipment

Outdoor fitness equipment comes in all shapes and sizes and is made for people of all abilities and ages. Choose your equipment wisely, as lower-quality equipment will break down faster and become a hazard to visitors. 

When choosing outdoor gym equipment, look for pieces that will provide cardio, strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility training. Your equipment should withstand the elements, be accompanied by signs/instructions, and encourage multi-generational and inclusive fitness.

Examples of Fitness Equipment

Compact fitness equipment: Compact exercise equipment like GameTime’s THRIVE helps save space in your playground, without sacrificing a well-rounded workout. An outdoor fitness space is great for individual or even group training exercises in as little as 250-square-feet. Or, go big with an outdoor fitness structure large enough for a whole football team. There are several activities options, including standing squat platforms, gymnastics rings, abdominal crunch benches and hanging bars all in one sturdy place.


Free-standing fitness equipment: If you don’t have the space for a full-on outdoor gym, consider adding free-standing fitness equipment. These pieces can be configured in a layout that matches your space and participants can still get a quality workout. Free-standing equipment may include agility pods, monkey bars, agility trainers, knee-lift stations, balance boards or planks, step trainers, and more.

Don’t forget to include signage in your park to inform your visitors on how to safely and effectively use the equipment.

Obstacle course: Obstacle courses provide strength, agility, coordination and cardio training to users. There are even kid-friendly options you can add to your outdoor gym. For example, take our Challenge Course. It connects people of all ages and backgrounds to socialize with their loved ones while exercising. It’s designed to engage children and families, and you can either choose a pre-designed course or create one of your own.


Toro Court: Interactive play technology allows everyone to get involved in their favorite ball games. The Toro Court has four goals, promoting cooperation and inclusivity amongst kids and teens. Traditional courts with only two goals do not allow for as much opportunity for everyone to interact in gameplay. The court is equipped with LED-lit interactive panels and has several games available to keep gameplay interesting. Your court will stay fresh and cool with new game updates and options. Design unique flooring for your Toro Court to add that extra touch.

Encourage Healthy Habits 

If you’re looking for one more way to really amp up your park users, consider adding the Fono DJ Booth. It allows you to place your smartphone on designated spots of the booth, and it will amplify sound to your park. You could add fitness routines, instructions or even music to amp up the crowd.

Giving people a fun place to exercise makes it easier for them to establish a new fitness routine. After working out, people tend to eat healthier and spend less time doing sedentary activities. Over time, this can help to reduce the obesity and illness rates in your community. A healthier community filled with active people who can contribute to making the place better is one benefit of fitness parks that keeps on giving.

outdoor fitness equipment

Whether you want to add to an existing park or set up an entirely new area that is dedicated to fitness, you’ll find that our equipment is perfect for meeting your goals.